Two new methods are added to java.lang.Class to examine if a Class or an Interface is a sealed class and if so, to find what are its supported subtypes.
These two methods are
1. isSealed - which returns a boolean indicating if the class is sealed or not
2. permittedSubclasses- which returns an array of ClassDesc representing the supported sub classes
Below sample code demonstrates this
import java.lang.constant.ClassDesc;
public sealed interface Pet {
final class Cat implements Pet {
final class Dog implements Pet {
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Pet is a sealed class: "+Pet.class.isSealed());
System.out.print("Its supported subtypes are: ");
ClassDesc[] cDescArr = Pet.class.permittedSubclasses();
for (ClassDesc cDesc : cDescArr) {
System.out.print(cDesc.displayName()+" ");
The output of the above program is
Pet is a sealed class: true
Its supported subtypes are: Cat Dog
We will move on to the another new feature in Java 15 - Records in the next post
Sample code used in this post can be downloaded from
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