Saturday, March 06, 2021

Escape sequence in text blocks - \"

So we want to include three double quotes in the string contained within a text block. 

Say if we want the processed string to be as the one shown here

The woods are """lovely, dark and deep,
But I have """promises to keep,
And miles to go """before I sleep,
And miles to go """before I sleep.

We can use three double quotes with escape sequence like \""". Here \""" is not a new escape sequence. In fact, the escape sequence characters here is only \" - the escape sequence for double quote. The next two double quotes are the actual characters included in the string. 

The escaped double quote can be used for any of the three double quotes. The below code shows this. This code produces the same output string that is shown above.

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String poemTextBlock = """
                The woods are \"""lovely, dark and deep,
                But I have "\""promises to keep,
                And miles to go ""\"before I sleep,
                And miles to go \"\"\"before I sleep.
        System.out.println("Text block: \n"+poemTextBlock);


In this program, we escape the double quote at different positions in each line and for the last line, we use escape sequence for each of the three double quote characters. 

Where we need to include three or more continuous double quotes within a text block, we will have to use escape sequence so as to avoid having three continuous double quotes which will end the text block.

Below code includes five continuous double quote before the word 'lovely'

        String poemTextBlock = """
                The woods are \"""\""lovely, dark and deep,

Sample code used in this post can be downloaded from

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